Stewardship & Finance

Ministry Funding Grants

  • The St. Francis Lutheran Church Endowment is a ministry of the Congregation through which members and friends can permanently continue their financial support of the mission and ministry of St. Francis Lutheran Church, as well as support of organizations and ministries with similar values in the San Francisco Bay Area, across the country and around the world.

    Established in 1982, the Endowment is a permanent fund to receive bequests and estate gifts from members and friends of St. Francis Lutheran Church. All bequests from wills, life insurance, trusts, and other estate gifts, unless otherwise designated, are placed in the Endowment. Only the income earned from the Endowment is spent each year, half being used to fund the mission and ministry of the Congregation and half for grants to other ministries and organizations.

    Learn more here!


PoP + Zion Fund

  • The Prince of Peace (PoP) + Zion Fund was created to help do more good in the world by providing financial support to create or support efforts where our faith and compassion for the world connect.

    Prince of Peace is a special church community. When members of Zion Lutheran Church voted to join Prince of Peace in 2005, the two communities discerned the best usage for the church property and decided to support it as a resource for new church ministries. After 11 years of combined efforts and resources from PoP, Zion, our wider ELCA church, and local synod, it became clear that the site was not a viable option for church ministries.

    The sale of the property allows the vision of supporting church ministries to live on through the PoP + Zion Fund. Through the investment of these funds, the PoP + Zion Fund will provide perpetual income to support our goal to do more good both within our church and with our surrounding community. The fund designates percentage allocations as follows; Category a) Synod 15%, b) Property 30%, c) Prince of Peace Member Missions and d) Open category.

    The Pop + Zion Fund provides financial awards to individuals and organizations that have emphasis on making the world a better place in tangible ways, which would include but be not limited to:

    • Local/national/international mission outreach

    • Providing basic human needs

    • Enhancing the ministries of Prince of Peace

    Learn more here!

Warner Trust Grant

  • These grants are designed to be seed grants to help in the areas of youth or family ministries. A grant may be requested for youth projects, schools and pre-schools, and education ministries, including curriculum and technology needs. We encourage your creativity. These grants will not be awarded to fund salaries, mission trips, national or synodical youth gatherings, or building maintenance.

    Apply here!

Tax Resources for Congregations

Questions? Contact Synod Treasurer Scott Taylor at

Give a gift

Gifts via mail can be sent to:
PO Box 119
Berkeley, CA 94701