Leadership Team

The Leadership Discipling Team shall be responsible for supporting and nurturing pastors, associates in ministry, deaconesses, and diaconal ministers on the rosters of this synod and identifying and encouraging qualified persons to prepare for the ministry of the Gospel.

According to S11.08.I11. of the Synod Constitution.

  • Rev. Stephanie Johnson

    Trinity Lutheran Church,

  • Rev. Dianne Wendt

    Lutheran Church of the Cross,

  • Rev. Nathan Winterhof

    Messiah Lutheran Church,

  • Rev. Anne Carlson


  • Rev. Tony Rhodes

    St. Philip's Lutheran Church,

  • Rev. Tyler Jensen

    Bethlehem Lutheran Church,
    Santa Rosa

  • Rev. Sue Holland

    Coastside Lutheran Church,
    Half Moon Bay

  • Rev. Clark Brown

    Trinity Lutheran Church,

  • Rev. Sandi Olson-Decker

    St. Timothy Lutheran Church,

Witness Team

The Witness Team’s primary purpose is “to lead and assist congregations and individuals in public affirmation of faith through word and deed.” The work in new and renewing congregations is a collaborative effort among the three expressions of our denomination: congregation, synod, and churchwide. Click here to read the full description!

Synod Staff Support Committee

  1. To provide support to synod staff members and their yearly goals.

  2. To assist the bishop and Synod Council in their roles of support and supervision of staff.

  3. To make recommendations to the bishop and Synod Council in matters of personnel policies, compensation and benefits, continuing education and sabbatical policies and resources.

  4. To help individual staff members reflect on issues of personal and professional development, continuing education needs, etc.

According to Policy 91 - 003, Adopted by the Synod Council, May 1, 1991 and Revised December 11, 2021.

Resolutions Committee

  • Pastor John Valentine

    Holy Shepherd Lutheran Church,

  • Katie Swartz

    Christian Education Coordinator
    St. James Lutheran Church,

Sierra Pacific Synod Youth Committee (SPSYC)

The Sierra Pacific Synod Youth Committee (SPSYC) is a youth-led, adult-assisted ministry of the Sierra Pacific Synod.

In September of 2016 the Sierra Pacific Synod lived into a new conference configuration of our territory. This new configuration has spurred many changes in our governing documents and the way we operate. Some of the changes are:

  1. A one year term of service instead of 2 for all members

  2. Adults are all assistants and not representatives of their conference and do not have vote on the committee

  3. While priority is given to youth who are from under-represented communities, positions are not limited by age, race, sexual orientation, gender identity, or ability.

  4. Youth Member positions are made flexible so that all interested youth can hopefully serve.

  5. SPSYC activities and events are not limited to retreats but open to other possibilities.