Call Process & Pulpit Supply
Your Pastor Is Leaving, Now What?
When Your Pastor Leaves: A Guide for Congregational Councils
Thanksgiving at the Conclusion of a Call
Transition Time for CongregationsTransition & Call Committee
Congregation Call Committees
Part-Time Ministry and Part-Time Ministers Guidelines and Guidance
Prayers & Studies for the Call CommitteeInterviewing
Interview Flow Chart
Interview Process for Call CommitteesMinistry Site Profile - For Congregations
Sample of Ministry Site Profile
Sample 7 Reflections on Ministry and Context
Sample MSP Reference for a Congregation or OrganizationFor Pastors Transitioning Calls
When You Are Ready To LeaveA Guide to the RMP (Rostered Ministers Profile) for Rostered Leaders
2024-2025 Compensation Workbook for Pastors & Congregations NOTE: this document will do automatic calculations if it is opened in Google Chrome)
Definition of Compensation, Benefits, and Responsibilities for Ministers of Word and Service Under Call
Part-Time Ministry - Guidelines and Guidance for Rostered Leaders and Congregations -
Is your congregation looking for a Rostered Leader to lead Worship on a Sunday? Good news!
We have Rostered Leaders who are here to serve as Pulpit Supply. If you are looking for an individual, we encourage you to email your Conference Dean to get connected with a Pulpit Supply leader near you.
Pulpit Supply Guidelines and Compensation as of 2025
One Service: $300
One Service and Adult Class: $375
Two Services: $375
Two Services and Adult Class: $425The congregation should provide travel reimbursement in the amount of $0.70 (70 cents) per mile as of 2025.
Special Dispensation
Some of the persons eligible and recommended for pulpit supply in the Sierra Pacific Synod are persons who are Approved for Ordination and awaiting first call. These persons may be granted special dispensation by the Bishop of the Synod to preside at the table during their pulpit supply service.
To obtain special dispensation the congregation requesting pulpit supply service should email with “SPECIAL DISPENSATION” in the subject line and in the body of the email give the name of the guest preacher and date of service. The requesting congregation should copy the email to the guest preacher in question. The Office of the Bishop will then respond to both parties.
To those candidates for ministry performing the service to the congregation, we encourage you to keep a copy of this dispensation for your own records and to keep the Bishop and Candidacy committee in your home synod informed.