Bishop’s Reports
Every year, the bishop asks the rostered ministers of our synod to complete their annual bishop report.
Parochial Reports
What are they?
Parochial reports are the way that we asses the state of our congregations and budget for our collaborative work. Parochial reports reflect for us where there are ministry opportunities and needs. They also tell us what part of your ministry we can celebrate with you!
Parochial reports measure ministry, stewardship and innovation and therefore require collaboration of congregational leaders. Officers, Pastors and administrators will need to help one another to complete these reports.
These forms share important information about your congregation, and ultimately contribute to the greater knowledge of what ministry in the ELCA and our synod looks like. In turn, this gives all of us greater capacity to address the needs of our ministries and participate in the proclamation of the Good News.
What does my congregation need?
Every congregation in the Sierra Pacific Synod must fill out the Congregation Report (Form A).
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