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Bishop's Convocation & Chrism Mass

Update: Due to scheduling, the Bishop's Convocation and Chrism Mass has new dates! For those who have already registered, please check your email. We sincerely apologize for the need to shift and any inconvenience this might cause.

Join Bishop Jeff Johnson and the Bishop’s Team for some relaxation, great conversation, laughter, prayer and worship. So many things in our world are broken, so many people are hurting, so many challenges seem to come at us as leaders in our faith communities. Leading in a broken world is what we are called to and it can seem completely overwhelming.

In our time together we will talk about the reality in which we are living, the hope in which we rest, and what our future as a church just might look like—(spoiler alert: it is kinda exciting and scary all at the same time!) We will finish our time together with a Chrism Mass, during which we will renew our baptismal and ordination vows, remembering that to which we have been called and being reassured of God’s faithful, loving presence as we bravely walk forward together in faith. 

The event includes housing, a meal on Sunday, three meals on Monday, and one meal on Tuesday.

March 2 at 4 pm - March 4 at Noon

Christ the King Passionist Retreat Center

6520 Van Maren Ln, Citrus Heights, CA 95621


Rostered Leader - single room, includes 5 meals: $380.00

Rostered Leader - double room, includes 5 meals: $330.00

Rostered Leader - Commuter No Room, includes 5 meals: $210.00

Register Here!

February 15

Rev. Stephanie Johnson's Installation

June 14

2025 Synod Assembly